Trouble - Part 1

Scripture Reading - Psalms 107:8-13 KJV

8 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.
10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;
11 Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:
12 Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help.
13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will speak on “Trouble”. It seems that all mankind can identify with “trouble” because at one point or another in our lives we all have found ourselves in some type of “trouble”. The type of “trouble” we will cover today is when a believer (or even unbeliever) goes against the Word of God or doesn’t listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Of course many believers would not admit to (own up to) disobeying God but it is a common practice in the Body of Christ. Yes, not just layman but also many preachers and pastors don’t always listen to God when it comes to doing His (God’s) perfect will. In the reference scripture of verse 10 the word mentions that some Israelites sat in darkness and where in the shadow of death being bound with affliction. Was this bondage due to God’s strict training program? No! Maybe they were in bondage simply because they got lost on their way? No, we (ihlcc) don’t think so! Perhaps they were in darkness because no one came to help them get guidance to the right path? No, that was not the problem either because the next verse clearly spells out exactly why the Israelites (as a type of Christian) where in darkness. Yes, even in the shadow of death being bound in affliction (persistent pain, distress, and suffering) we see the answer in verse 11 with the words, “because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the Most High.” What is the scripture stating here? First, we notice the verse said they rebelled against the words (plural) of God which means it wasn’t just one scripture they chose to ignore but rather more than one. Also, when the Holy Bible speaks about rebellion it is always mentioned in the context of they knew what God wanted (His Will) and chose to go contrary to His Will. Rebellion is when you look the other person or authority figure (in this case God) in their eyes and tell them “no” I will not do what you are asking because my will is set against yours. Now, if that isn’t bad enough the same scripture goes on to say, “and contemned the counsel of the Most High”. The word “contemn” generally means to scorn, disrespect, snub, or disdain something or someone. Yes, that means those same individuals who rebelled against God’s Word also looked down upon those who spoke God’s counsel. Yes, when the Word of God came to them they didn’t consider it precious and valuable but rather optional and lowly (cheap, inappropriate) in their own mind. We (ihlcc) laid a foundation of negative attitudes, actions and circumstances to show you the background of the situation. Our purpose for doing so is to expose the magnitude of their problem because all who rebel against God’s Word and despise the counsel of God’s servants are really in “deep trouble” whether they realize it or not. Now, this is what we really want you to know. We hope you brought your shouting voice today because this gospel (good news) is worth praising God out loud for. Yes, the truth that those who were once (previously) in rebellion against God with no regard for His Person can quickly change their mind in the midst of their trouble (distress, anguish, etc…) by calling upon the Name of The Lord Jesus to help them get out of their mess will get God’s attention is amazing. Faith friend did you notice that verse 13 states when they cried unto the Lord in their trouble He (The Lord) saved them out of their distresses. Please notice again the plurality of “distresses”. Not only did God save them for one problem but apparently our Good and Merciful God saved them out of multiple “troubles”. Oh, dear faith friend this is awesome, this is great news because we will be the first to admit we missed God on certain occasions of our Christian life but yet when we came to God humbly and admitted we did something wrong (repented) The Lord quickly and graciously turned our captivity diminishing all trouble. Yes, sometimes it’s a sin of omission by not doing something you know you should have done but don’t get into mental condemnation and be afraid of God simply call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus and He (The Lord) will deliver you from all your “trouble”. We know God is so merciful that He will help those who just despised Him a day ago, therefore how much more will He help us who love Him. If God was that good to His servants think about how Good and Merciful He Is (not going to be one day) to His very own Beloved Children. Is God Almighty always looking to help you? Yes! Did Jesus Christ die so that you could be set free and live? Yes! Does God want any of His Children to suffer? No, no, a thousand times no! So what is our problem? One general problem we just identified today is that many people don’t call upon God in their “trouble” (tribulation) and that is exactly why we are encouraging all people both sinner and saint to call upon the Name of the Lord in the midst of your struggle so God can save you from all your “trouble” in Jesus Name. Does this mean you can be free from all “trouble”? No, this simply means whenever you find yourself in any kind of “trouble” through your own disobedience to God don’t run from God but rather quickly run to Him by calling upon His Name and His Word to save you from any and all “trouble” you might find yourself in. God is looking to deliver His Children from all bondage and “trouble”, so please look to Him (God) who is always looking at you in Christ Jesus. Amen!